- Luke Live - http://www.lukelive.com -

Sample Bulletin Announcements

To aid you in making bulletin announcements, please feel free to copy any of the announcements below.  You may also use images provided on the Clip Art page [1]of this website.

Suggested Schedule for Bulletin Announcements

For Sunday 8 to 7 weeks before your scheduled Mission use the “Look” and “Luke is Coming” images from the Clip Art [1].

For Sunday 6 to 5 weeks before your scheduled Mission use “Look for Luke Live”.  In another part of the bulletin, consider using one of the clips from the previous week.

For Sunday, 4th week before your scheduled Mission use “You’ve heard of Saturday Night Live?”  You might also include “God, Jesus, Spirit, Luke.”  If you wish, you may include the photo of Fr. James DiLuzio.

This is also a good week to include the following text in your bulletin:

LUKE IS COMING!  –Parish Mission on the Gospel of Luke is coming to ____________.  Entitled Luke Live –a dramatic proclamation for people of all ages by Paulist Fr. James DiLuzio, Paulist priest, missionary and actor..  Fr. James works out of New York City, traveling throughout the country with his powerful recitation of Luke’s Gospel.   Don’t miss this opportunity to devote a week full of powerful evenings encountering the Gospel the way the early generations of Christians encountered it:  stories about Jesus shared from the heart with hymns, songs and preaching.    Mark your calendars for Monday through Thursday evenings, ______________________ at ___________P.M. in the church.  Fr. DiLuzio will inaugurate the Mission by preaching at all Masses the weekend of  ____________________.  Also morning session following the _______ Mass. For more details, see the website www.LukeLive.com

If you have a school attached to your parish, please send home a flyer or brochure with the students no later than 3 to 4 weeks before the mission.

Finally, the fourth week is a great time to send a copy of the bulletin announcement to neighboring parishes and local diocesan and secular newspapers as a press release [2].  Use any of the materials on this page.

For Sunday the 3rd week before your Mission use “Luke Live — Monday through Thursday and (if you have a reconciliation service planned) “Reconciliation”.  If a reconciliation is not part of your mission, substitute any of the other material as you wish.  The announcement below is different from the previous version and suitable for week 3.

LOOK FOR LUKE !  Don’t Miss this opportunity to engage in the Gospel of Luke in ways you never have before–as stories about Jesus shared from the heart with hymns, songs and preaching.  Invite family, friends, and neighbors, too.  Luke Live! is a dramatic exploration through the Gospel that will appeal to all who want to deepen their encounter with the Scriptures.  As a bible-based Mission/Retreat, Luke Live provides an excellent ecumenical opportunity that will foster blessing and understanding among Catholics and their Protestant family members and neighbors.  Bring a group!  Mark your calendars for Monday through Thursday evenings,___________________ , at ______ PM in the church.   Fr. DiLuzio will inaugurate the Mission by preaching at all weekend Masses ___________________   Also morning session following the______ A.M. Mass. For more details, see the website www.LukeLive.com

In addition:  If your parish has devised a flyer or arranged a brochure for Luke Live, the 3rd weekend before the mission is the best time to insert that into the bulletin or distribute it at Mass.

For Sunday the 2nd week before your Mission dates, please use the photo of Fr. James DiLuzio and a mix of the clips from the previous weeks.  The announcement below is different from the previous weeks and is suitable for week 2.

LUKE LIVE! ARRIVES!  On Monday through Thursday evenings, ___________________ Paulist Father James DiLuzio will conduct a parish Scripture Retreat entitled Luke Live! As a missionary and actor, Fr. James brings alive all of the dramatic power and soaring promise of the original Gospel preaching by sharing Luke’s Gospel as the early Church heard it—as stories handed down from memory through an “oral tradition” enhanced with music and hymn-singing. _____ PM in the Church.  For Adults, Teens and children age 7 and up. As a bible-based Mission/Retreat, Luke Live! provides an excellent ecumenical opportunity that will foster blessing and understanding among Catholics and their Protestant family members and neighbors.  Invite family, friends and neighbors, too.  Also morning session following the ______ A.M. Mass. For more details, see the website www.LukeLive.com

Fr. James works out of New York City, traveling throughout the country with his powerful recitation of Luke’s Gospel. Come and share in these four  evenings of scripture, drama, hymns and fellowship with our faith community.

Be sure to have additional copies of your flyer and/or brocure from the previous week available in your vestibule, Parish Office, School Office, etc.

For Sunday BEFORE  your Mission dates please use the picture of Fr. James DiLuzio and a mix of the clips from the previous week on different pages of your bulletin.  The announcement below is different from the previous announcements and suitable for the weekend before the mission.

LUKE IS HERE!   On Monday through Thursday evenings, ____________________Paulist Father James DiLuzio is preaching at all our Masses this weekend to inaugurate our parish Scripture Retreat entitled Luke Live! As a missionary and actor, Fr. James brings alive all of the dramatic power and soaring promise of the original Gospel preaching by sharing Luke’s Gospel as the early Church heard it—as stories handed down from memory through an “oral tradition” enhanced with music and hymn-singing.  _____ PM in the Church.  For Adults, Teens and children age 7 and up. As a bible-based Mission/ Retreat, Luke Live! provides an excellent ecumenical opportunity that will foster blessing and understanding among Catholics and their Protestant family members and neighbors.  Invite family, friends, and neighbors, too.  Also morning session following the  _____  Mass.

Fr. James works out of New York City, traveling throughout the country with his powerful recitation of Luke’s Gospel. Come and share in these four  evenings of scripture, drama, hymns and fellowship with our faith community.   For more details, see the website www.LukeLive.com

Please feel free to mix-and-match these clips and suggestions as you see fit to promote the mission.  Also, feel free to create your own promotional materials.  If you come up with something good, we’d love to see a copy via e-mail.